Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Panic Stricken!!!

Yes, that's what I was tonight as I was following 3 other vehicles to the Kidz Trek destination for the evening and looked up, from glancing to the side for only a second, to discover that the other vehicles were stopping to turn around after missing the intended driveway.

I was just about to hit the vehicle in front of me, but with slamming of brakes and squealing of tires (including black marks on the road), Jesus mercifully spared us from what could have been horrible.

After not having been in an accident for 10 years, this was VERY traumatic!

Pastor David shared with the kids about grace...receiving a wonderful gift that we don't deserve...before we took communion tonight. An acrostic for grace is God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

I'm so thankful for that undeserved grace tonight and am reminded of the words to that chorus:
"It covers me. It covers me. His grace falls down and covers me."

By His grace,


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